Why is the new battery I bought never meet or have the same specifications as the original capacity?

Any electronic product we use has a lifespan, and the battery is the heart of extending the life of the equipment. Even if you are a new laptop, the original battery capacity is not completely maintained in the appearance design or product introduction. Because of a fundamental characteristic-the self-discharge of lithium batteries.
Self-discharge means that even when the lithium battery is not in operation, as time passes, the internal electric ions begin to gradually separate and decrease, and the capacity begins to shrink slowly (very slowly). Because there is no “perpetual motion machine”, the battery as a consumable cannot be like clothes. Even if it is not worn for a few months, it will not change so fast.
In addition, the storage environment and temperature will also affect the battery capacity. Because the temperature is too high or too low will accelerate the change of the ions inside, making the battery performance decline.
All in all, the newly purchased battery can meet the original use and conditions. Even for food, it is impossible to have a “permanent shelf life”. However, before we receive it, the manufacturer has already produced it and stored it to slow down the impact of battery self-discharge. Then the new battery we received cannot be 100%, or at least can maintain the initial 95%-99% capacity.

*The above opinions only represent the opinions provided by Clifford personally. The editor of this article was written by Clifford.